SOLD: Puppies of East European Shepherd Dog 

Ferz' Kattyval х Bagira

FCI, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk 

date of birth: 05.02.2014

Litter "C"

6 puppies in the litter

 4 males (2 black, 2 black-backed) - SOLD

2 females (1 black, 1 black-backed) - SOLD



tel. +38(067)566-73-60



  Ferz' Kattyval

 Моnsher Virsal Uorren х Dzhein Eir

   date of birth: 14.09.2010

  pedigree FCI-UKU


4 x Super Grand Champion of Ukraine, 3 x Grand Champion of Ukraine, UKU Champion, Champion of Breed in Ukraine, 12 х Champion of Ukraine, 7 х Best of the Best Of Breed in Ukraine, Champion of Russia, RKF Champion, Grand Champion of Belarus, Champion of Belarus, Junior Grand Champion of Ukraine, Junior Champion of Ukraine, Junior Champion of Moldova, Junior Champion of Georgia, 17 х Best in Group (BIG-I), 38 х Best of Breed (ВОВ), 35 х Best Male (BOS), 64 х Class Winner (CW), 10 х Best Junior (BJ), Best Puppy (BP), 52 х САС, 2 х R.CAC, 10 x J.CAC 

 Best Male, Champion of Breed at East European Shepherd Dog Championship-2012 (Ukraine, Kiev)

Champion Class Winner at East European Shepherd Dog Championship-2013 (Ukraine, Kiev)

Champion Class Winner at East European Shepherd Dog Championship-2014 (Ukraine, Kiev)

Best of Breed at Special East European Shepherd Dog Show-2013 (Ukraine, Donetsk)

Best of Breed at Special East European Shepherd Dog Show-2014 (Ukraine, Donetsk)

Champion Class Winner at FCI-CACIB "EURASIA-2013" (Russia, Moscow)

Best of Breed at FCI-CACIB "Crystal Cup-2013" (Ukraine, Kiev)

Best of Breed at FCI-CACIB "Ukraine-2014" (Ukraine, Kiev)

Best of Breed at FCI-CACIB "Kiev Rus-2014" (Ukraine, Kiev)

 Best of Breed at FCI-CACIB "Crystal Cup-2014" (Ukraine, Kiev)

Champion Class Winner at East European Shepherd Dog Championship-2015 (Ukraine, Kiev)


Training certificate:  

General Course of Dog Training (Wt. OKD-1)



 Bass х Gera

  date of  birth: 27.04.2010 

  pedigree FCI-UKU


2 x Champion of Ukraine, Best of Breed (ВОВ),

5 х Best of Sex (BOS), 8 х САС 

The wedding

shy love

Grandfather of pups by father's line

  Мonsher Virsal Uorren

Аlison Vergi х Мonsher Virsal Afina

   date of birth: 29.02.2008


Champion of Russia, RKF Champion, OANKOO Champion, RFLS Champion, Champion of NKP VEO, 3 х Candidate at Champions of NKP VEO, Winner of NKP VEO, 2 х Junior Champion of NKP VEO, Junior Winner of NKP VEO, 3 х BOB at Monobreed Shows, 5 х BOB, Best Junior at National VEO Show-2009,
HD-A, ED-0

Training certificates:

  General Course of Dog Training (Wt. OKD-1), General Watch Service (Wt. ZKS-1)

Grandmother of pups by father's line

  Dzhein Eir

Akbar х Тina Teya

   date of birth: 01.12.2006


Champion of Belarus,  Grand Champion of Ukraine, Champion of Ukraine, 7 х Best of Breed (ВОВ), 5 х Best Junior (BJ), Best Puppy (BP), 2 х Best Baby (BB), 7 х САС



 male 1

Centurion Komandir Legiona 

Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk

male 2

Centavr Black Uragan 

Ukraine, Kiev

male 3

Cezar Avgustino Black Knight 

Ukraine, Kharkov

1 x Best of the Best of Breed (BBB), 4 x Champion of Ukraine, Junior Champion of Ukraine, 7 x Best of Breed (BOB), 7 x Best Male (BM), 3 x Best Junior (BJ), 1 x Best Puppy (BP), 19 x Class Winner (CW), 17 x CAC, 1 x R.CAC, 3 x J.CAC

male 4

Czar Dar Venets Vlasti 

Ukraine, Kiev

female 1

Cerceya Tayna Nochi 

Ukraine, Khmelnytsky region

1 x Веst Puppy, 1 x Class Winner (CW)

female 2

Caritsa Egipta Kleopatra 

Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region, Dneprodzerzhinsk

2 x Веst Baby, 5 x Class Winner (CW), 1 x CAC, 2 x R.CAC, 2 x J.CAC